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Introducing SV to American Latinx Tech Success

The main purpose of these chats with very special guests is not only for us to get to know them, but more importantly, for them to get to know us and be exposed to American Latinx Tech success. 

In order to do this it is important that they get to hear our story (our origins and accomplishments).



- 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation American
- 1st, 2nd generation college educated (if applicable)
- Impressive KPIs (exits, IPO, $ raised, valuations, etc.)


Our mission is so important that we cannot risk the special guest leaving without hearing the most impressive stories in our group. That is why having a preassigned Q&A is so important.


I am including the event structure, the preassigned Q&A order and the list of suggested prepared questions (below) to make it easier for our top leaders to participate in the conversation.


Ricardo opens: Question 1. Could you take us back to your early upbringing, and what initially attracted you to the tech/VC world?


Co-host Richie Serna: Asks two questions.


Preassigned Q&A Order: 
    James Gutierrez
    Carolina Huaranca
    Tom Chavez
    Elias Torres
    Bertrand Sosa
    Sean Salas
    Rachel Ten brink


Open Q&A to the rest of the group


- If you were to break down your success into a couple of important moments/milestones, what would those be?


- I’m sure you have a big notebook of “lessons learned & pitfalls to avoid”. What are some of your biggest lessons?


- What keeps you at night now vs. when you first started?


- Which one of your portfolio investments was the hardest to make or required the most convincing? Why?
- What has been one of the biggest challenges that one of your portfolio companies has gone through and how did you guide them?
- Of all the successful companies that you have seen, are there one or two traits or attributes that the founders have in common?
- Your own question




Looking forward to the event!

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